Designer, Craftsman, Beard Guy
4th generation woodworker and graphic designer. The artistic side of Arizona Copper Beard. He brings visions to life in a way nobody else does.

Boss Lady
Vinyl, Design Consult, Website Design, All the office business. The structure behind the dreams.
Though AZ Copper Beard has officially been in business for only a few years, it’s been a lifetime in the making. Matt has been woodworking and drawing art since he was 4. He’s always had grand ideas and loved working with his hands. His artistic illustration and graphic design skills have been honed over decades of just loving to draw and design. With an early desire to be an architect, he always saw the structure behind the art but had an eye for flair. His passion to create art was put on hold as being a single dad of 4 kids took precedence. Until he met Leslie.
Leslie was a single mom of just 1 kid. Her super power is organization and streamlining processes. She’s very detail oriented and has a knack for finding a way to make things happen. After a couple years of being together, blending a family of 5 kids, and working in mundane work environments, enough was enough. Leslie told Matt that him not pursuing his dream of a woodworking business was no longer an option and it was time to jump, this time, with her help. Based in Arizona (the copper state) and Matt sporting his Scottish copper beard, it just seemed fitting to name the company Arizona Copper Beard. With Matt’s passion and drive to create and Leslie’s tenacity to learn anything and everything else involved in running a business, they built their dream business from the ground up.
In their spare time, they enjoy anything outdoors, taking the kids (and dog) camping, traveling, relaxing at the beach, and just enjoying life. They encourage their kids to reach for the stars and show them anything is possible, leading by example.
By supporting this small business, you are supporting their dreams!